Multifamily Real Estate

Martin primarily pursues multifamily acquisition opportunities where he can unlock value through a multitude of strategies, including institutional management, rehabilitation, repositioning, investment for capital expenditures, remodeling and creative recapitalization.

Previous clients include pension funds, private partnerships, international investors, insurance companies, lenders, developers, government agencies and high net-worth individuals. List of clientel and partners available upon request.

Multifamily Rents Explode as Vacancy Rates Hit the Lowest in Years

Multifamily Real Estate

The U.S. multifamily housing market is one of the most active investment opportunities for both institutional and private investors. Approximately 35 million residents drive $1 trillion in revenue into the national economy. This aggressive environment demands that you have in-depth experience, a broad reach, and the ability to market or locate an asset, no matter how challenging the transaction for delivery to the right investor in a variety of separate and distinct markets.

Martin has been investing in multifamily real estate since 1985 successfully navigating through good and difficult markets. Martin has successfully negotiated transactions in those states identified below.


Martin's forty years of hands on expertise focuses on actively pursuing multifamily acquisition opportunities where he unlocks value through institutional management, asset rehabilitation, repositioning, creative recapitalization and keen marketing.

Martin states this is one of the most dynamic times to invest in multifamily properties. The rental market has driven down national vacancy rates for the sixth consecutive year thus increasing demand and providing strong rent growth. Martin forecasts growth will continue to be strong as higher down payment requirements, stringent mortgage underwriting and a limited number of starter homes delay the transition from rentals to single family homes. The upside for multifamily property owners is that there will be significant reduction of turnover and re-leasing concerns, even as rents push higher.

Multifamily investing can be a highly profitable transaction as evidenced by several of Martin's clients including pension funds, private partnerships, insurance companies, and high net-worth individuals.